Datum | Kennung | Inhalt | Dokument |
3-Jul-2014 | 2014/65/EU | MiFID II Originaltext der Richtlinie (mit Anhängen I-IV) | 2014___65_EU MiFID II_Level1_original_text_english 2014___65_EU MiFID II_Level1_original_text_deutsch (148 Seiten) |
3-Jul-2014 | 2014/600/EU | MiFIR Originaltext der Verordnung | MIFIR_EU600-2014_original_text_english MIFIR_EU600-2014_original_text_deutsch (65 Seiten) |
19-Dec-2014 | ESMA/2014/1569 Adoption in |
ESMA FINAL REPORT 446 Seiten mit ESMA-Aufgabenstellung, Ergebnis & Analyse der Konsultationen aus Consultation-Paper 2014/549 |
2014_1569_esma_final_report_tech_advice (446 pages) |
29-Jun-2015 | ESMA2015/1006 Result of
"CP 2" |
ESMA FINAL REPORT MiFID II/MiFIR draft Technical Standards on authorisation, passporting, registration of third country firms and cooperation between competent authorities |
2015_1006 esma_final_report (131 pages) |
28-Sep-2015 |
Result of
"CP 2" |
2015_1464_esma_final_report_draft_rts_and_its (402 pg) 2015_1464_esma_annex_i_draft_rts_and_its (553 pg) |
26-Nov-2015 | consultation: final: Guidelines: |
ESMA consultation paper + final report + guidelines Kriterien dafür, wann Schuldtitel und strukturierte Einlagen als „komplex“ einzustufen sind. Darüber hinaus Erläuterung für den Begriff „eingebettete Derivate“. Damit wird ein Rahmen für die Beurteilung der Zulässigkeit reiner Ausführungsgeschäfte (Artikel 25 Absatz 4 MiFID II) geschaffen. |
2015-610_cp_mifid_guidelines_complex_products |
11-Dec-2015 | ESMA/2015/1858 | ESMA FINAL REPORT "Draft implementing technical standards under MiFID II" 171 Seiten, im Anhang die acht ITS (implementing technical standards) 1: cooperation arrangements for trading venues 2017-0988 2: suspension and removal from trading 2017-1005 3: data reporting service providers 2017-1110 4: position reporting 2017-1093 5: weekly postion reports 2017-0953 6: supervisory activities 2017-0980 7: consulting competent autorities 2017-0981 8: submitting information on sanctions 2017-1111 |
2015-1858_final_report_draft_implementing_tec_standards |
22-Dec-2015 | ESMA/2015/1861 | ESMA FINAL REPORT Guidelines on cross-selling practices |
2015-1861_esma_final_report_on_cross-selling |
2015_1886 ESMA Leitlinien Kenntnisse 2015_1886 ESMA final report competence |
7-Apr-2016 | draft: final:
2016_2031 commission delegated directive (englisch) inzwischen am 31.3.2017 verabschiedet als
25-Apr-2016 | draft: final 25.4.16:: Korrektur 31.3.17: |
2017__565 commission delegated regulation
18-May-2016 | draft: final: |
2017__567 commission delegated regulation |
2-Jun-2016 | draft: final: |
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION ( RTS 13 ) with regard to regulatory technical standards on the authorization, organisational requirements and the publication of transactions for data reporting services providers |
2016_3201-Commission delegated regulation inzwischen am 31.3.2017 verabschiedet als |
2-Jun-2016 | draft: final: |
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION ( RTS 14 ) specification of the offering of pre-and post-trade data and the level of disaggregation of data |
8-Jun-2016 | draft: final: |
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION ( RTS 27 ) "...data to be published by execution venues on the quality of execution..." |
2017__575 commission delegated regulation |
8-Jun-2016 | draft: final: |
2017__576 commission delegated regulation 2017__576 Delegierte Verordnung der Kommission |
14-Jul-2016 | draft: final: |
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION ( RTS 1 ) regulatory technical standards on transparency requirements for trading venues and investment firms in respect of shares, depositary receipts, exchange-traded funds, certificates and other... Chapter II: Pre-trade transparency Chapter III: Post-trade transparency |
2017__587 commission delegated regulation 2017__587 Delegierte Verordnung der Kommission |
14-Jul-2016 | draft: final: |
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION ( RTS 2 ) regulatory technical standards on transparency requirements...for bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives. Including definition of "package transaction" Chapter II: Pre-trade transparency Chapter III: Post-trade transparency |
2017__583 commission delegated regulation 2017__583 Delegierte Verordnung der Kommission |
28-Jul-2016 | draft: final: |
2017__590 CDR_transaction_reporting 2017__590 DV_Meldung_von_Geschäften |
5-Oct-2016 | consultation: final: |
ESMA consultation paper + guidelines ... on MiFID II product governance requirements ( nine questions & the draft guidelines in Annex 3) |
2016_1436 cp_guidelines_on_product_governance |
10-Oct-2016 | ESMA/2016/1452 | ESMA GUIDELINES Transaction reporting, order record keeping and clock synchronisation under MiFID II ( Guidelines for implementing RTS 22, 24 and 25) |
2016_1452_guidelines_mifid_ii_transaction_reporting 2016_1452_guidelines_mifid_ii_transaction_rpt_de |
4-Apr-2017 (updates |
Deutsche Übers.: |
ESMA Questions and Answers |
Deutsche Übersetzung der BaFin: passende Präsentation der BaFin: |
17-Jul-2017 | ESMA/2016/1521 | Technical Reporting Instructions MiFIR Transaction Reporting |
2016-1521_reporting_instructions |
3-Jan-2022 | Final Report: Guidelines: |
ESMA GUIDELINES Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II appropriateness and execution-only requirements. (Erläuterungen u.a. bei bindergroesswang.at) |
ESMA35-43-3006_Leitlinien |
16-Feb-2021 | (EU)2021/338 | Richtlinie ... zur Änderung ... zur Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Erholung von der COVID-19-Krise (die "MiFID2-QuickFix" Richtlinie) |
2021__338_RichtlinieQuickFix |
22-Sep-2022 | 28 May 2018 23 Sep 2022 |
Final Report Leitlinien zu einigen Aspekten der MiFID II-Anforderungen an die Geeignetheit |
Es gibt offenbar eine alte und eine neue Version. die alte vom 28 May 2018: ESMA35-43-869 die neue vom 23 Sep 2022: ESMA35-43-3172 (auch in Deutsch) |
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